Project Folder Page Overview

Refer to the following information about the Project Folders section of your MAPIR Cloud account

The project folder section of MAPIR Cloud is where all your projects can be viewed together in a file browser layout.

To open the project folder page click the folder icon button at the top of the screen:

The project folder page looks as follows:

Start a New Project

From the project folder page you can click the "+" button to add a public project or start a new project:

Project Cards

Each project has a card that contains some useful information

Project Name:

The text on the project card shows the name for the project. You can edit this on the Project Page.

Go to Map Button:

Clicking a project's Go to Map button will take you to the world map, open the project's map tiles and show the project's settings in the left sidebar.

Edit Project Button

Clicking the project's Edit Project button will take you to that project's Product Page. If no Edit Project button is available that means the project is shared from another user account and not owned by the user.

Delete Project Button

Clicking the project's Delete Project button will delete the project from the user's account. If the project is shared from another user then deleting will only remove it from the current user's account and not the original account owner.

Last updated